Happy 30th Birthday Cody!!! Wish we could be there to celebrate it with you. Marki and Levi have made some birthday art. I just have to get it in the mail. I'll send it out today so it will get to you within a few days.
Do you remember when this picture was taken??? We went with dad and Gwen to Cold Mountain. Every time one of those "naughty" scenes came on you would whoop and holler and try and make it more funny and a little less awkward that our parents were at the movies watching the same naked stuff. Ha Ha Hee Hee.
I miss the old days of going to movies with you and you making me walk a little behind you as to not let any girls think I was your girlfriend. I hope you had a great time at your surprise party and remember, I am still younger than you are!!! You are also my favorite brother. Damon is a little sketchy and Scott, well, we all know about him! Love you!
Also, we hope the fire department is treating you well. They have fire departments here too you know!
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