For Valentines Day Mark bought us tickets to go see Jessica Simpson and Rascal Flats. I was so excited since they are both my favorites. Jessica looked so beautiful and she did a fantastic job. I love her!!!!!!! Rascal Flats put on the best show I have ever been to. It was such a fun night. I think I was the only psycho in our section that was absolutely in love with Jessica. Damon called before the concert started saying he was there so that was a nice surprise. Ashley and Josh were not too far away from us so that was pretty neat too. Ashley told me before hand that they would take away your camera if you brought one so I kept it in the car. I was very disappointed because it wasn't true. You could take pictures without a flash. People, of course, were taking pictures with a flash anyway and video taping. I guess I'll learn for next time.
At one point Rascal Flats pulled up a little girl on stage and took her around. All I could think of was I wish I had brought Marki and she was the one up there. She would have grabbed the microphone and started doing her own show! It was such a great concert. Thank you baby for the awesome night! I had so much fun with you. You are my everything!!! Me and Ashley waiting for Jessica
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Jessica Simpson/Rascal Flats
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Simply Amazing
This morning my beautiful daughter drew a picture of me and Oliver. I absolutely love her little drawings. I wish I had captured her sparkly dolphin but she erased it too soon. When she gave me this particular drawing I noticed there was written "To Mommy" or rather "Mommy To" I couldn't believe it. Actually I can. This girl is amazing. She can write so many words and the days of spelling things in front of her are over. I guess my little girl is growing up. Sniff Sniff. Heavy sigh. I can remember when she was learning to say mommy and now she is spelling it. Marki, you amaze me every day and I learn so much from you. Keep up the good work! Mommy and Oliver
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Three sick kids!
I took all my kids to the doctor yesterday to see why they just can't get rid of their cough and runny noses. Marki and Levi have really bad allergies although they were sick prior to this and gave it to Oliver. He has to take some treatments a few times a day so he can breathe okay. He was so congested that he would choke on the stuff coming up from his cough. Poor baby! He was also diagnosed with an ear infection which is new to me. Marki and Lee never had one. So, Olli is on medication to help him and Marki and Levi are taking Claritin to stop their sniffles and cough. Levi has allergies so bad that if the claritin he is taking does not work better after a few weeks he is going to have to go and be tested for allergies to find out what exactly he is allergic to. I hope you all feel better soon my loves!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Race To Robie Creek
I did it! I got in! I am officially running my very first half marathon this April. Yesterday was the day to sign up for the Race to Robie Creek and I wasn't even sure if I'd get in. This race is a very popular race and everyone is signing up for it. It took us about a half an hour to get into register and I was super excited. One of the questions they ask you when you sign up is "What color blue are you?" I picked baby blue. We also purchased a bus pass for Mark to go up and cheer me on at the finish line. He'll be able to chill out and eat and such while waiting for the ambulance to pick me up!
Damon and Jamie are running this race as well and we all got in! The registration was closed 51 minutes after it opened. Whew! I cannot even express how excited I am to do this. I will have a few races inbetween that I will do but none that even come close to this. I am officially starting training today. I know, I know, you should train for a race of this magnatude a lot sooner but nonetheless I am going to do this. Eating healthy, running, P90X, this is what I'll be doing until the big day.
This is my brother's favorite race and I had heard about it even before I moved here. I have copied from the website some info on the race. It sounds like it is going to be a blast. I also have copied from my email, (Damon, Jamie, and I were emailing back and forth before regisration and after), here is how they went:
Damon: Today at noon Cara signs up to be a sailtoad!! Congrats Cara!
I just checked to see if there were still people trying to log in and found that Robie Creek was sold out and closed in only 51 minutes this year.
That might be a new record.
Great job now that the exciting part of registering is over, we can now once again prepare ourselves for the Daunting task of trying to rationalize why we would ever want to run 8.5 miles straight up the side of a mountain J
This is going to be GREAT!!!
Jamie: Come on Damon….you make it sound bad, there are donuts, cigars and shots of tequila at the top……what more do you want from life? ; )
Damon: That is true and one shot of tequila is all you need to get completely snockered after the climb. I took mine from a guy wearing a coconut bra and speedo’s last time. HE WAS CUTE!!!
Not sure what to think of that Damon! :)
Here is some interesting race info:
The moon and stars no longer shine,
the dream is gone I thought was mine.
There’s nothing left for me to do
but cr-hi-iiiiy over youyou
got me singin’ the blues.
Robie Creek, the Blue Period, is paying tribute to Pablo Picasso. In his early twenties,
the young Pablo began to tint his paintings a pale, cold blue. The color blue, deep and cold, signified the misery
and despair he felt at that time in his life. This was his blue period. He painted with sincerity about suffering and
he believed blue was the perfect color to express his feelings. Over time, there have been many other artists who
have used the color blue to express both great sadness and great joy. The color blue is cool and calm; it is strong
and steadfast, or light and friendly. There are many shades of blue.
The Rocky Canyon Sailtoads are currently feeling a little blue. They are feeling the effects of the recession,
including loss of jobs. They are feeling blue over the loss of their retirement funds. They are feeling fat and
wish they had trained harder. They are feeling those donuts and beer they consumed last night. Blue is a good
color to describe them right now.
On Blueberry Hill: This course is the toughest 13.1 miles in the Northwest. The race begins at Fort Boise Community
Center, starts climbing on Shaw Mountain Road, continues the climb through Rocky Canyon until you
reach Aldape Summit. Then it begins a steep, bone-jarring descent into the Robie Creek drainage and along Robie
Creek Road to the finish. The road will be closed early, no early starts permitted!
Nothin’ but blue skies from now on
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Watch Out Broadway, Here Come The Benjamin's!
This is the kind of entertainment I get to watch every night! These two are hilarious together. I have had the pleasure of watching concerts, plays, and Broadway musicals in my own living room, done by my own talented children. Life just can't get better than this!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:27 PM 0 comments
I Love You This Much Daddy!
Smooch! From Daddy's love bug Three Daddy!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Oliver's first word!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Daddy's Girl
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Poppy Comes to Visit
We had a great time visiting my dad this week. Marki and Levi were ready to go home with him this morning. We were all coughing with runny noses so most time was spent at home. We already miss you and can't wait too see you in March if we come down. Love you! Poppy's girl
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Valentines Greetings from Papa and Gramma Benjamin
Marki, Levi, and Oliver received a package in the mail from their grandparents today. They LOVE getting packages and it was fun to watch them open up their gifts. Levi loved his Deigo card and Marki is still playing with her barbie doll and dressing her up. Thank you so much! Getting excited for the presents
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Footie Pajamas just for you
2 stars are born......Ok maybe we should get some sleep tonight, but first thing tomorrow we are loading up the fam and moving to HOLLYWOOD!!!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Preschool Party
Today Marki had her Valentines Day Party at school and I was able to help out with the festivities. I came up with a craft for all the adorable kids to do. We had a blast! I was so proud of Marki and I cannot wait until Lee goes to school with her next year. The kids did lot's of Valentines projects and they all did such a wonderful job. Luke, Alex, Marki, Dylan, and Hannah
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
5 Months! How time flys by
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
30?!?! Your Old Brother!
Happy 30th Birthday Cody!!! Wish we could be there to celebrate it with you. Marki and Levi have made some birthday art. I just have to get it in the mail. I'll send it out today so it will get to you within a few days.
Do you remember when this picture was taken??? We went with dad and Gwen to Cold Mountain. Every time one of those "naughty" scenes came on you would whoop and holler and try and make it more funny and a little less awkward that our parents were at the movies watching the same naked stuff. Ha Ha Hee Hee.
I miss the old days of going to movies with you and you making me walk a little behind you as to not let any girls think I was your girlfriend. I hope you had a great time at your surprise party and remember, I am still younger than you are!!! You are also my favorite brother. Damon is a little sketchy and Scott, well, we all know about him! Love you!
Also, we hope the fire department is treating you well. They have fire departments here too you know!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Super Bowl XLIII
We had a really fun time with our friends, the Fewkes, on Super Bowl Sunday. Dave and Irene are the best people to host a party. We always have a great time with them. They had a great food set up with my favorites, penne pasta and chicken and lasagna among other things. I had such a great time talking with Irene about our kids and other things we have in common. She has a daughter Marki's age, a son Levi's age, and soon another son who will be Oliver's age. Our daughter's go to preschool together. It's funny to think that last year Marki would beg me to call Cheyenne's parents to get them together to play and I never did as shy as I am. I really wish I had done so. We are going to get together more often. I am looking forward to spending more time with them. Marki waiting to go to play with Cheyenne
The kids played with Moon Sand while Irene and I talked and watched the Super Bowl. They made quite a mess. Atleast they had a blast together!!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 12:47 PM 0 comments