Me and Jamers (Yes Jamie, I have nicknamed you Jamers)
Yesterday we celebrated my brother's 33rd birthday by getting together and bowling up a storm. We had so much fun! It was Marki and Levi's first time bowling and they had a blast pushing the ball down the lanes. Grandma D watched Oliver for me so I could participate. I believe the birthday boy was the high scorer and I have to say that Lee and Marki did a better job than I did! Way to go kids! Grandma D came over from Utah to help celebrate and I have to say, I absolutley love this woman! I am glad I got to spend some time with her as short as it was. She and Glen brought their grandkids with them and I think Marki had a little crush on Shawn. When we pulled up to the bowling alley she asked if he was going to be there. Pretty cute. She is still talking about him today. Oh boy! Mark better watch out! It was a great time and a big thank you to Damon and Jamie. You guys know how to party!
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