It all started around 5:00 last night. I sent the boys out to play in the back yard while I got dinner going. A few moments later Levi runs in saying Oli got hurt falling off of the tramp. We have an enclosure on our trampoline so this wouldn't happen but of course they didn't zip it up. I went to get him thinking he would totally be ok. When I got to him I immidately knew something was wrong.
A momma knows her babies cries. I knew he was hurt pretty bad. I took him inside and put him on the couch where he went from crying his 'I am hurt cry' to sleeping. CRAP! I just knew he had a concussion and their wasn't much to do for it. I tried getting a hold of Mark at work and he wasn't answering. Pacing back and forth thinking what to do next I called Jennifer who works for the Boise Ambulance and lives two houses down. She came right over and checked him out. She suggested I take him in to St Al's. We tried putting him into his car seat and he would freak out if we sat him up. So, she suggested calling an ambulance since he wouldn't sit. We didn't know if his neck was affected so 911 was called. Ahhhhh! The Kuna ambulance was AWESOME! They to suggested he be taken. Oliver really took to one of the firemen.
Halfway to the ER, Oli became harder to arouse. I am not sure if that is the reason or not but we went from a nice calm drive to lights and sirens. Once we got there he went right in. The staff was amazing and Mark met us there. The doc suggested a catscan without sedation since he was pretty much out anyway. Off we went. They wrapped him up really tight and I got to stay right by his side during the whole thing. He would open his eyes when the machine would move and make loud noise so I would assure him that he was ok. Just taking a little ride and the noise would be done soon. He started swallowing a lot in the middle and I just knew he was going to throw up. Yep! Projectile vomit and a lot of it! Of course he was all tied up and I couldn't get him on his side. Once we got him to turn over we were all covered in puke. Poor little sweet boy!
Then we were off to a room to wait for results. He continued to be sick a few more times. Then they had to poke him to check blood sugar. Right after that a nurse came in and said they had to get blood from an artery to check his oxygen level. I thought it was weird and asked why they wanted to do that since they said he was done and no more tests. The nurse assured me the doc wanted it done and I that I could speak to him if I wanted to. Of course I trusted what was going on but decided to leave the room because I made the nurse nervous. (I was nervous myself)
Another nurse came over to me and asked what was going on. I told her what they were doing and she freaked out! She ran to a doctor and asked why they were doing that to Oli and he said they weren't supposed to! She ran in as Oliver was screaming and told them to stop. Poor thing was poked so many times to find the artery and it wasn't even needed. Mark said he looked at the nurse and said, "Please don't do this to me! It hurts!" Talk about break my heart even more.
We were released a bit later. Oli continued to puke on the car ride home. Daddy slept by him to check on him all night. Today he is back to his normal old spunky self. :)
When we did get home there was a colored picture drawn by Karis, a little girl down the road. Oliver has gotten lots of gifts and colored pictures by everyone in the neighborhood! He has hung them all in his room. I love that we have such amazing and wonderful neighbors with sweet kidos! Thank you to Cassie and Jennifer who watched Marki and Levi while I rode with Oli!
Hopefully this is the last ride in an ambulance or trip to ER for the Benjamins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!