Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Look Who's Ready For Kindergarten!

Yep. My little Levi. He has been waiting and waiting to join his sister at Crimson Point. We got him a little step closer. Levi is now registered for Kindergarten. He did VERY well on his testing may I add, and his paper is already framed and on our mantle right next to his sisters K paper. We are so so so so so so very proud of you Levi! Smooches sweet boy!
Levi taking his test.

The teacher came to us afterward and told us how well he did. She was impressed. :)

This boy has my heart.

Getting a piggy back after a job well done.

Wow Lee, I can't believe you are going to Kindergarten this year. Time has flown by so fast and I have enjoyed every minute that I have spent with you. What am I going to do without my little helper every day? You are about to start on a great adventure and I want you to know I will root for you along the way. You are amazing. Love you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Completely Adorable

Marki Lyn and Reagan Taylor ready for the softball season.