Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Way to go Mark!!!!!

Mark scored two goals for the Hoses in the Guns and Hoses Hockey game. We were all so proud of how he did. The Chief went over to Mark and told him if he pulled a hat trick that he could make any station he wanted his home. Hahaha. As always Mark, your family loves watching you skate. Great job baby! I have the awesomist hubby ever! smooches!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St Patty's Day Race 2011

Big hugs before the race
My little runner

Ready to go!
Marki and Uncle D. He ran with her as always.
Marki and Kaydence
And he is off. He ran with his mama.
Off to a great start.
Where is the finish line?
He kept wanting me to take a picture of him looking at his watch.
A job well done. This was his best race ever!
High five from Uncle D
Enjoying a snack after their race.
So proud of you my babies! Great job to you both!

An Idaho Snowman

The kids went out to play and by the time we were dressed to come out they had already made this snowman all by themselves. We didn't have any carrots or cole so we improvised. Not quite a Montana snowman but just as adorable. Maybe more so. :)
And yes, Levi is wearing Marki's old snowpants and gloves once again. I am going to have to talk to Mark about this.