Meet my momma's boy. You will find this adorable boy by my side at all times. I love it! Finally a momma's kid. You are so sweet Oliver and you are becoming more and more like your brother every day. From your facial expressions to your love of baseball. You bring out the best in all of us and I love the little boy you are becoming. No more baby that's for sure. Who are we kidding, you will always be our baby. Smooches!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Me and my shadow
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
Our Valentines Day
My Valentine surprised me with a candle light dinner 4 days before Valentines Day. He told me he had to go and play hockey that night and when he came home, the kids were in bed and I was about to call 911 because I thought someone was breaking and entering. Mark came in and told me hockey was cancelled. The timing worked out perfectly since I was on the phone with my sister-in-law so while I was upstairs chatting he was downstairs setting up dinner for 2, music for dancing in the back ground, and food brought from my most favorite place. When I came downstairs I was super surprised to see everything set up.
Thank you, my love for always filling my days with surprises. I still can't believe I get to spend my whole life with you! I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Valentines Day to you and my little valentines!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
Levi's First Day of Wrestling
When Marki came home from school with a wrestling paper I almost just threw it away. Before I did I noticed that 4 year old kids were able to start wrestling. I was so excited. I have been waiting for Levi to be old enough to be in a sport. He is signed up for Tball later in the spring but I just had to get him into this program. We took him special to pick out his work out clothes. When we got to the gym Levi got right to work in a workout I would have trouble with. He was so adorable I couldn't stand it. I was the only parent with a camera jumping up and down with excitement. Levi is such a natural at sports and it is so fun to watch him.
It seems pretty intense for a little one but Levi LOVES it. He never gave up on the hard things. He tried and tried until he was done with an exercise although he did really really well at most of it. Of course I will be posting more and more pictures on here as time goes by. I love you Lee!
Levi running in his shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher. So cute.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Marki's second report card
My super intelligent daughter got yet another wonderful report card. She is doing very well in school and her teacher had so many nice things to say about her. I need to find my scanner so I can put it on her for her to see someday. Daddy and I are so proud of you, Marki! Keep up the excellent work! May you always have a love for learning!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Last week the Benjamins and the Fewkes went out to eat at Tuscany's. We had a blast chatting, enjoying great food, and great service. (Unless you count the Hostess who was horribly rude). Awww. Dave and Ivene.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:12 PM 0 comments