Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lee's new hair cut
Levi got a new hair cut and he couldn't be happier that his stylist spiked his hair with red gel. He was just tickled. They had all sorts of colors and he chose red because it is his dad's favorite color. I think we will have to go back and get some more colors. Cool spike Levi!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Birthday Boy
Our sweet Levi turned 4 today and we sure treated him like a king! I love this boy more than words can say. He is such a delight and I decided to write a few things about him to commemorate his turning 4.
1) You say the Pledge of Allegiance every time you see a flag. This means you say it about 8 times on the way to preschool.
2) You save all the red candies for your dad since they are his favorite. You are always thinking of others.
3) You always make sure you have a surprise for Marki when she gets off the school bus.
4) When you wake up the only thing you EVER want for breakfast is Frosted Flakes.
5) You have the most adorable smile I have ever seen.
6) You are a daddy's boy through and through and you have so many of his traits. You are a mini-Mark. He is your hero. Your most favorite person in the whole world. When I see how much you love your Daddy it melts my heart. You want to do everything he does.
7) Your snuggles are the best thing ever!
8) You are incredibly intelligent and make booby traps in your room. I think you are a genius!
9) You have an awesome personality. I feel so blessed that God gave you to us. I couldn't imagine this world without you!
10) You have made Daddy and I smile everyday since you were born. You are a natural comedian and love making people laugh.
Happy Birthday Sweet Lee! We love you and can't wait to celebrate your day when Daddy comes home!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Marki's Birthday Surprise
My husband loves surprises. I think he tries to surprise at least one of us daily. When Marki's birthday was coming up Mark and I discusses what she would be getting. And we came up with...A new bike! And of course, Mark's mind goes to how he is going to surprise her. He came up with the cutest idea.
Marki loves to ride the bus home from school and then ride her bike home from the bus stop. (This means I have to drive her bike to Hubbard but I do it cuz I love her...She wasn't able to ride it anymore since it was out of commission) So Mark had me make a card that said "Happy Birthday" on the outside and "To Marki" on the inside. We parked it at the school and waited for the bus to drop her off. We started to walk toward the van when Mark asked why there was a sign on the bike. She stopped. Sounded out the card. And said, "It must be a gift for someones birthday. Then Mark told her to open the card and boy oh boy was she excited to see that it was hers. Great thinking Daddy. I got the whole thing on video too. I will have that soon.
Here her new bike sits waiting to be discovered. The Card.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I have lost my old camera that had all my pictures from Marki's birthday where we gave her a BIG surprise and a few other cute moments. I will find time to find it today so I can start getting posts up here again! So sorry family!
Lot's going on here at the Benjamin house hold so please stay tuned for the next few weeks!!!!!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Hoopla and Birthday Parties
This year we celebrated Marki, Levi, and Oliver's birthday together for one big party. Poppy and Grammy got to come celebrate with us. We ordered the best bounce house ever complete with a slide and obstacle course. And why I didn't get a picture of this wonderful bounce house I don't know. Busy running around I guess. We got an icecream cake this year which was a big hit with everyone. Super delicious! Happy Birthday my babies!
Here are pictures of the birthday party, Halloween party Kristy invited us too, and Halloween night!
Thank you Damon and Jamie for coming trick or treating with us! We had a blast! Next year we will try something different where we dont stand in line for 2 minutes at each house to get candy!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:12 PM 0 comments