Uncle Tom doing the "penny behind your ear" trick. I remember him doing that for me when I was little. Levi's reaction was priceless.
Marki doing a tattoo.

Getting ready for the festive day.

Complete with a bounce house for the kids.

Jodi stopped by to visit. Miss you Jo!

Kim and me.

My cousin Shawn.

Me and Tiff. Miss you tiff!

The kids eating breakfast. Levi, Gabby, Oliver, Zane, and Eli.

Drinkin a pop on a hot day.

Good stuff.

Blowing bubbles.

Beautiful Gabriella and I.

Uncle Tom and Marki. She loved riding horses. She was such a cowgirl wanting to ride with out help.

Who said you need cowgirl boots to ride? Why not high heels? That's Marki style.

Our big girl.

Cody, Shawn, Tracy, Zane, Eli, Tom, Sherry, Gabby, Jackie, Rita, Jack, Bonnie, Dad, Marki, Levi, Cara Rose, Oliver, Dean, Joy, Mark, Damon, Gwen. I need to find Scott, Jen, Allie, and Lauren. Does anyone have that pic?

Lee and his cowboy boots.

This horse is taking to Oliver.

Babe Ruth style.

Unlce D took this pic of Levi.

Dad and his kids. Plus one granchild out of 5.

Sweet Oliver. I wonder what he is thinking?

Cowgirl Marki.

A boy and his bear.

She wouldn't get off the horse.


Riding on her own.

Big hugs from Poppy. Levi riding.

Cowboy Lee.

A boy and his pink cowboy boots borrowed from his sister.

Lee and Daddy.

Oliver and Gabby.

He wouldn't get off the horse either.

I love this picture.

Kisses for Uncle Scott.


Lee loved Gabby. He would only call her Gabriella.

Bounce house fun.

Olli bouncin.

Double rainbow. This happened the day my Grandma Anderson passed away.

Zane and Oliver. "Whatcha got?"

Zane and Oliver.

Daddy and Lee.

Scott and I.

Dad, Gwen, and kids.

Finally got the cowgirl boots from Levi.

A picture of the Big Sky for Dave and Irene who we missed dearly.