Click below to see Marki Lyn's Rehersal Dance. I have to get the recital from my brother since mine didn't turn out. I like the rehersal as well although they were getting to know the stage and their places. Marki Lyn, you danced beautifully as always. We love you!
Click below to see Marki trying to find us in the crowd.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Nutcracker Rehersal
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Nutcracker
Marki made a beautiful ballet performance in "The Nutcracker" this Christmas. She was a flower and I couldn't be more proud of her. Daddy and I love watching you dance, Princess!
Here she is practicing her bow. Posing
Video to be on here soon!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
What has Oliver been up to?
My darling Oliver went pee pee on the potty just two days ago! I put him on the potty, walked away for a bit, and then I heard a little voice saying, "Yuck! Gross. Yucky!" Yep. He peed alright and he was so cute showing his Daddy and I what he had done. We were cheering and clapping and he felt pretty proud of himself. I went and got his first pair of big boy underoos and he absolutely loved them! They are Toy Story undies and he grabbed them and we didn't see him for a few minutes. When I went to see where he was this is what I found.... He had all pairs out and trying them all on! Too cute! Daddy and I are so proud of you Oliver! We still have some work to do!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:30 PM 0 comments
School Party
Marki had her very first school concert last week. After gathering up the boys and trying to find a place to sit I realize I have forgotten the camera. I had everything ready to go and must have taken it out of my purse at the last minute! I was unable to get some pictures of her but I did buy a video of the concert. She sang so beautifully and looked adorable. Here are some pictures of her Christmas party. I will put the concert up here on a later date.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My brother and niece come to visit
Me and my biggest brother Scott, Damon, and Mark.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Oliver and Batman
Here is Oliver in his new big boy bed. I think he loves stretching out in it and he loves sharing a room with his big brother. He is using Levi's pillow case because Levi uses his pillow pet he got from Tyler. Batman is freaking me out a bit... Oliver also has gis froggy that he always sleeps with. How cute!
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Marki's Christmas Project
So Marki got to go to the craft store and pick out some things to put on her Christmas ball that will be hanging up at her school hall. She wrote her last name out in pipe cleaners all by herself! I was amazed! Keep in mind I didn't make the B or the e or any of those letters. She came up with this idea, made the letters, and what a creative mind she has. I think I have to give Aunt Alison some credit here.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Day with Daddy
Last week Mark took kid one and kid two, to the Monster Trucks in Meridian. The kids had a blast. Mark was a little disapointed that it wasn't the BIG monster trucks that he saw when he was young so he bought tickets to see that show in March. I think the motorcyles were the biggest hit. I got a few phone calls from some excited kids telling me what they were watching.
Here Lee is trying to smile with candy in his mouth. Daddy's Girl.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 9:11 PM 0 comments
And the tooth fairy will visit again.....
Marki had to go to the dentist to get her second loose tooth pulled. She was a little nervous about it but she did great. I still have to post her first tooth spot as she calls it and her with the laughing gas at the dentist. They are on my camera and will be put on here soon.
Posted by CaraBenjamin at 2:49 PM 0 comments